목록2024/08/25 (3)
A Joyful AI Research Journey🌳😊
The * in zip(*combined_dataset) is the "unpacking" operator in Python. It takes a list of tuples (in this case, combined_dataset, which consists of pairs like (review_text, label)) and "unzips" them into two separate tuples: one for texts and one for labels.In other words:texts will contain all the review texts.labels will contain all the corresponding labels.The * operator effectively transpose..
Join two tuples together:a = ("John", "Charles", "Mike")b = ("Jenny", "Christy", "Monica")x = zip(a, b)#use the tuple() function to display a readable version of the result:print(tuple(x))(('John', 'Jenny'), ('Charles', 'Christy'), ('Mike', 'Monica'))https://www.w3schools.com/python/ref_func_zip.asp W3Schools.comW3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major la..
The model bert-base-uncased is used because it converts all text to lowercase before processing, ignoring case differences. This is particularly useful when case sensitivity is not important for the task, such as sentiment analysis, where "Happy" and "happy" should be treated the same. The "uncased" version is generally more efficient and performs well when the distinction between uppercase and ..