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목록ai (19)
A Joyful AI Research Journey🌳😊
ChatGPT, OpenAI Algorithms: An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure or formula for solving a problem. It's about the 'how' – how to perform a task, how to process data, how to solve a particular problem. Algorithms are used for a wide range of purposes in computer science, from data sorting and searching to complex problem-solving in various domains. They are the methods or processes followed t..
ChatGPT, OpenAI For research in computer vision, a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI) focusing on enabling machines to interpret and understand visual data from the world, all three areas – computer science, mathematics, and statistics – play vital roles, but their importance can be contextualized as follows: Computer Science: This is highly critical in computer vision. It provides the fou..
The famous blog posts by Tim Urban discussing the AI revolution can be accessed through the following links: "The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence" (January 22, 2015): This article, which is the first part of a two-part series, delves into the evolution and future potential of artificial intelligence, exploring the concept of superintelligence and its implications. You can read it on..
ChatGPT, response to “Is it better to first understand seq2seq models in-depth and then use high-level libraries like Hugging Face or TensorFlow? Is this approach similar to studying theory first and then using a library?,” August 27, 2023, OpenAI. Yes, your understanding is on point. Let's delve into why this sequential approach of starting with seq2seq and then moving on to modern libraries li..
ChatGPT, response to “Can I use a seq2seq model for NMT using Hugging Face, Keras, or TensorFlow?” August 27, 2023, OpenAI. Yes, the seq2seq (sequence-to-sequence) model is a foundational architecture for NMT (Neural Machine Translation), and you can implement and train it using any of the mentioned frameworks: Hugging Face's Transformers, Keras, or TensorFlow. Here's a brief overview of how you..
ChatGPT, response to “Is NMT different from MT?,” August 24, 2023, OpenAI. NMT stands for "Neural Machine Translation," which is a subfield of MT (Machine Translation). NMT specifically refers to machine translation approaches based on deep learning and neural networks, while MT can refer to any automated method of translating text or speech from one language to another, including older methods ..
https://roadmap.sh/ai-data-scientist AI and Data Scientist Roadmap Learn to become an AI and Data Scientist using this roadmap. Community driven, articles, resources, guides, interview questions, quizzes for modern backend development. roadmap.sh
https://translab.lv/en/machine-translation-smt-vs-nmt/ Machine translation (SMT VS NMT) • Translab NMT systems provide more natural and accurate translations than SMT, but require more computing resources to train and use. translab.lv Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) and Neural Machine Translation (NMT) are both methods of machine translation, but they differ in how they model the relations..
Deep-translator in Python: A flexible free and unlimited python tool to translate between different languages in a simple way using multiple translators. Batch translation: Batch translate allows you to enter texts in one language which correspond to texts in another language. https://www.qblocks.cloud/blog/natural-language-processing-machine-translation#:~:text=In%20short%2C%20NLP%20gives%20the..
https://www.marktechpost.com/2023/07/23/16-ai-tools-to-speed-up-your-work/ 16 AI Tools to Speed Up Your Work Motion Motion is a clever tool that uses AI to create daily schedules that account for your meetings, tasks, and projects. Say goodbye to the hassle of planning and hello to a more productive life. BeforeSunset AI To aid its users in effective time managem www.marktechpost.com https://ope..
https://www.sociobits.org/2023/08/meta-to-introduce-ai-powered-chatbots-with-distinct-personalities-soon/14387 Meta to introduce AI-powered chatbots with distinct personalities soon Meta is developing various prototypes of the chatbots, each embodying unique personalities and communication styles. www.sociobits.org
https://seongjin.me/prompt-engineering-in-chatgpt/ ChatGPT를 비롯한 대화형 AI 서비스에서 더 좋은 결과물을 얻게 해주는 프롬프트 엔지니어링 (Prompt 대화형 인공지능이 생성하는 결과물의 품질을 높이는 프롬프트 엔지니어링(Prompt Engineering)을 소개한다. 프롬프트(Prompt)란 무엇인가, 왜 이것의 올바른 엔지니어링이 필요한가를 알아보고, ChatGPT seongjin.me https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/economy/it/1084265.html 수억대 파격 연봉 제시…‘프롬프트 엔지니어’ 뭐길래 AI 역량 120% 끌어내려면 지시어 잘 던져야“기술·서비스 고도화 따라 사라질 직업” 예측도 www.hani.co.kr
https://m.blog.naver.com/mosfnet/223058013836 [알쓸신잡(新Job)] 한국의 AI개발자와 전망은? 안녕하세요. 기획재정부입니다. 최근 챗GPT의 등장으로 AI에 대한 관심도 더더욱 증가한 추세인데요 ... blog.naver.com https://www.newspim.com/news/view/20230213000155 [AI혁명, 챗GPT] "내 일도 뺏길라"...미래 AI가 대신할 직업 10가지 [서울=뉴스핌] 최원진 기자= 지난해 11월 출시한 미국 인공지능(AI) 업체 오픈AI의 챗봇 '챗GPT'가 전 세계적인 인기를 끌고 있다. 구글 등 기존 검색 엔진에서는 궁금한 질문에 대한 답을 찾기 위해 newspim.com ◆ "코딩도 알아서 척척" 높은 연봉의 IT 직..
https://www.projectpro.io/article/artificial-intelligence-project-ideas/461 20 Artificial Intelligence Project Ideas for Beginners [2023] Explore exciting and innovative artificial intelligence project ideas to kickstart your journey into the world of AI and Deep Learning | ProjectPro www.projectpro.io Translator App If you are interested in getting started in the field of Natural Language Proce..
하단의 문장이 정말 인상 깊다. 어제 학원에서 연계 기업 대표님이 자신의 세대는 (개발) 책을 읽은 마지막 세대이고 우리 세대는 AI 선별 능력이 중요하고, 원하는 결과물을 얻도록 검색하고 정보를 가져오는 능력이 중요하다고 했는데 아래 기사처럼 맞다고 느낀다. AI를 사용하는 것이 불가피하다면 가장 부족한 것은 인재다. 과거엔 암기와 프로그래밍 기술에 익숙한 인력이 필요했지만, 단순히 AI 시대를 받아들이지 못한다면 시장에서 빠르게 쫓겨날 것이다. 2~30년 전 컴퓨터가 대중화되었을 때 타자 속도로 평가받았지만, 지금은 타자가 보편적인 능력이 된 것처럼 AI도 일상이 되어 회사의 인재 판단 방식도 과거와 달라질 것"으로 강조했다. 출처: https://m.gamechosun.co.kr/news/view...