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A Joyful AI Research Journey🌳😊

[12] 230428 팀 프로젝트 (1) 12일 차 Fri) 할 것 리스트 본문

💖My Bootcamp Projects Logs✨/Team Project 1️⃣

[12] 230428 팀 프로젝트 (1) 12일 차 Fri) 할 것 리스트

yjyuwisely 2023. 4. 28. 09:05

230428 Fri 85th class

[데이터 retrieve가 되도록 (로그인한 사람의 data를 불러들이도록) 코드 수정한다.]

1) CertificateMapper.xml 파일 (23.04.26) 수정하기
2) 파일 (23.04.26) 수정하기
3) GeneralDown.jsp 진료확인서 수정하기
4) InoutDown.jsp 입퇴원확인서 수정하기
5) SergDown.jsp 수술확인서 수정하기

JS 로그아웃 구현
DB추가 (환자)

1) Check if the SQL queries in the mapper XML file are correct and retrieving the data as expected.

2) Verify if the column names in the resultMap tag of the mapper XML file match the column names in the database table.

3) Check if the input parameters passed to the SQL queries in the file are correct and not null.

4) Verify if the mybatis-config.xml file is correctly configured and has the required settings for the database connection and mapping files.

5) Check if the database connection is established and the database is running.

6) Ensure that the appropriate dependencies and plugins are added in the pom.xml file.

7) Check if there are any errors or exceptions being thrown in the application logs, and address them accordingly.
