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Essential tools and frameworks for CV research 본문

🌳My Thesis Journey🪄✨/Tools

Essential tools and frameworks for CV research

yjyuwisely 2024. 7. 19. 09:00


For conducting computer vision (CV) research, there are several tools and frameworks that are highly recommended. These tools facilitate various aspects of research, including data preprocessing, model training, evaluation, and visualization. Here are some essential tools and frameworks for CV research:

1. Deep Learning Frameworks

  • TensorFlow: An open-source framework developed by Google, TensorFlow is widely used for building and deploying machine learning models, including computer vision tasks.
    • Features: Comprehensive ecosystem, TensorFlow Hub for pre-trained models, TensorFlow Lite for mobile and edge deployment.
    • Resources: TensorFlow
  • PyTorch: Developed by Facebook's AI Research lab, PyTorch is known for its dynamic computational graph and ease of use, making it a favorite among researchers.
    • Features: Dynamic computation graphs, strong community support, PyTorch Hub for pre-trained models.
    • Resources: PyTorch

2. Libraries for Computer Vision

  • OpenCV: An open-source computer vision and machine learning software library that includes several hundred computer vision algorithms.
    • Features: Image and video processing, real-time capabilities, extensive documentation and tutorials.
    • Resources: OpenCV
  • scikit-image: A collection of algorithms for image processing in Python, based on NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib.
    • Features: Easy integration with NumPy arrays, wide range of image processing tools.
    • Resources: scikit-image

3. Visualization Tools

  • Matplotlib: A plotting library for Python and its numerical mathematics extension NumPy. It is widely used for generating plots and visualizations.
  • Seaborn: Based on Matplotlib, Seaborn provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive and informative statistical graphics.
  • TensorBoard: A suite of visualization tools for TensorFlow, providing insights into model performance and training metrics.

4. Datasets and Data Augmentation

  • Kaggle: A platform offering a vast collection of datasets for machine learning and data science projects, including numerous datasets for computer vision.
  • Albumentations: A fast image augmentation library and an easy-to-use wrapper around other libraries such as OpenCV, making it ideal for training deep learning models.

5. Model Deployment

  • ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange): An open format to represent deep learning models, enabling interoperability between different frameworks.
  • TensorFlow Lite: A lightweight version of TensorFlow designed for mobile and embedded devices.

6. Project Management and Collaboration

  • GitHub: A platform for version control and collaboration, allowing multiple people to work on the same project seamlessly.
  • Google Colab: A free Jupyter notebook environment that runs in the cloud, allowing you to write and execute Python code through the browser.

7. Additional Resources

  • Papers with Code: A website that links research papers with their code implementations, helping you to understand and replicate state-of-the-art models.
  • ArXiv: An open-access archive for scholarly articles in various fields of science, including computer vision.

These tools and resources will help you get started with computer vision research, from building and training models to deploying and visualizing your results.

Use tools like Mendeley or Zotero to organize and cite your references. 


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