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Mathematical Puzzle: Applying the Chinese Remainder Theorem to a Book Grouping Problem 본문

🌳Coursework Insights🪄✨/Discrete Maths

Mathematical Puzzle: Applying the Chinese Remainder Theorem to a Book Grouping Problem

yjyuwisely 2024. 1. 7. 07:05

There are some books on the table. If you group them by 3, you get some number of full groups and 2 books remain; if you group them by 4, you get some number of full groups and 3 books remain; if you group them by 5, you get some number of full groups and 4 books remain. What is the number of books on the table, if it is less than 100?


Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem:

  1. N (Product of moduli): 60 (= 3*4*5)
  2. Ni values (N divided by each modulus):
    • N1 = 20 (for modulus 3)
    • N2 = 15 (for modulus 4)
    • N3 = 12 (for modulus 5)
  3. Multiplicative Inverses:
    • Inverse of N1 modulo 3 is 2
    • Inverse of N2 modulo 4 is 3
    • Inverse of N3 modulo 5 is 3
  4. Remainders: [2, 3, 4]
  5. Individual Terms (Remainder × Ni × Inverse):
    • 2×20×2 =
    • 3×15×3 =
    • 4×12×3 =
  6. Sum of Terms: 359
  7. Final Solution (Sum of Terms mod N): 59

The final solution is the sum of the individual terms, 359, taken modulo N, which is 60, resulting in 59.

Inverse of N3=12 modulo 5 is 3

What It Means: Here, we are looking for a number that, when multiplied with 12, yields a result that is equivalent to 1 when divided by 5. We need an integer x such that:

12×x ≡ 1 mod  5

Finding the Inverse:

  • Again, we check integers starting from 1.
  • We find that 12×3=36.
  • When you divide 36 by 5, the remainder is 1 (since 36=5×7+1).
  • Thus, 3 is the multiplicative inverse of 12 modulo 5.